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Preguntado se se acuerda haver hecho
una declaracion en el Puesto de Punta Corta
da ante mi el presente Escribano el dia
seis de Febrero del corriente año; si en ella ex-
puso lo que constan desde foxas trescientas
quarenta y dos vuelta, hasta trescientas qua-
renta y ocho; y si es cierto su contenido, para
cuyo fin se le ha puesto presente en este acto?
dixo: que se acuerda haver dado una declara
cion ante mi el presente Escrivano en el Pues
to de Punta Cortada en el dia que se cita
y reconoce ser la misma que se le ha
manifestado, y suya la firma que en ella
aparace: pero que no es cierto su contenido
en las respuestas de ella aunque si en quan-
to a las preguntas y reconvenciones que se le
hicieron; pues lo que ally declaro es todo falso
y que se lo hizo fue por instancias y supli
cas del Comandante D.n Valentin Leblanc
he responds--
Asked if he remembers having given
a declaration in the Post of Punta Cortada
before me the present Scribe on the
sixth of February of the current year, if in that declaration
he said what appears from the back of page three hundred
forty two to three hundred forty
eight; and if the contents are true, why has
he appeared in this hearing?
he said: that he remembers having given a declaration
before me the present Scribe in the Post
of Punta Cortada on the cited day
and he recognizes it as the same which has been
shown to him, and recognizes as his the signature which
appears there: but that the contents are not true
as regards the responses although the
questions and counter-claims put to him
are; but what he said there is all false
and that he did what he did because of requests and
petitions from Commander Don Valentin Leblanc
