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de Punta Cortada D.n Valentin Leblanc en la
actuacion del proceso que se refiere en la
pregunta y que las firmas que en el apare
cen, y se le han puesto presentes en este
acto que dicen I. Fastio, son todas proprias
del declarante y de su puño y letra y
Preguntado que supuesto que firmo como
Ynterprete las referidas diligencias, segun
ha dicho, se hallaria presente a todas las
declaraciones de los testigos, que en ellas se
expresan y en tal caso diga en que idioma
se explicaron estos, y si el exponente entendio
bien lo que se las preguntabay, y lo que ellos
respondian, y conocio que lo comprehendian
perfectamente? dixo: Que no asistio, ni se
hallo presente a declaracion alguna de los
Negros ni de los blancos que constan en el
referido proceso, y que por consiguiente
no sabe en que idioma se les pregunto, ni
of Punta Cortada Don Valentin Leblanc
in the execution of the proceedings which are referred to in the
question and that the signatures that appear there,
and which have been presented in this
hearing which say I. Fastio, are all those of
the declarant from his hand and in his handwriting and
he responds--
Asked that given that he signed the said
acts as Interpreter, as he
has said, he would have been present at all the
declarations of the witnesses, which are presented
in them and this being the case please say in which language
they spoke, and if the declarant understood
well what they were was asked, and what they
responded, and recognized that they understood
perfectly? he said: That he did not attend, nor was
he present at any of the declarations of the
Blacks nor of the whites which appear in the
said trial, and therefore
he does not know in which language they were questioned, nor
