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rado havia escrito o anotado las tales de
claraciones y persuadido al exponente
igualmente que el dicho Comandante que
todas estaban arregladas lo que no dudo de
firiendo a la probidad de este; creyendo
que las demas havrian sido tomadas con
la misma formalidad que la del Negro
Cesar al qual se le hicieron las preguntas
en idioma frances criolla mesclado como
lo usan los Negros que no son de pais: y
que tanto lo que se le interrogaba como lo
que respondia el dicho Cesar lo comprehen
dio bien el declarante y le parece que
Cesar lo entendia segun sus contestaciones
Y finalmente que aunque algunas vezes entra
ba y salia el declarante quando el Coman
dante estaba examinando o tomando sus
declaraciones a los otros Negros no puso
cuidad se se instruyo de las preguntas
que se les hacian ny de sus respues
had written or noted down the said
declarations and persuaded the declarant
as well as the said Commander that
all was in order which he did not doubt
deferring to the honesty of the latter; believing
that the rest had been taken with
the same formality as that of the Black
Cesar to whom questions were asked
in the mixed French creole language as
the Blacks who are not from the country use it; and
that both what he was asked as well as what
the said Cesar responded the declarant
understood well and it seems to him that
Cesar understood it from his answers
And finally that although sometimes the declarant
entered and left when the Commander
was examining or taking his
declarations from the other Blacks he did not
take care to pay attention to the questions
they were asked nor to the responses
