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N.on accep.on En el mismo dia yo el Es.no pase
y juram.to a la Casa de D.n Antonio Argote Ca
pitan de milicias a quien hize sa
ber el decreto que antecede, y enterado
expreso que acceptaba, y accepto el en
cargo que por dicho decreto se le haze
y juro por Dios y la cruz de su espa
da poniendo la mano derecha sobre
el puño de ella prometiendo cumplir
bien y fielmente con su encargo y
lo firmo doy fee
Ant.o Argote
Ante mi
Pedro pedesclaux
Es.no pub.co
Notification acceptance On the same day I the Scribe went
and oath to the House of Don Antonio Argote
Captain of the militias who I informed
of the preceding decree, and having been informed
he said that he accepted it, and accepted the duty
that he is given by said decree
and he swore by God and the cross of his
sword putting his right hand on the
hilt he promised to fulfil his duty
well and faithfully and
he signed attested
Antonio Argote
Before me
Pedro pedesclaux
Notary Public