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como testigo de asistencia las referidas dili
gencias segun ha dicho se hallaria pre
sente a todas las declaraciones de los testigos,
que en ellas se expresan y en tal caso diga
en que idioma se explicaron estos, y si el
exponente entendio bien lo que se les pre
guntaba y lo que ellos respondian y conocio
que lo comprehendian perfectamente? dixo:
que solo asistio a la declaracion del Negro
nombrado Cesar, que decian ser como caudillo
o uno de los principales de la sospechada
conjuracion pero que sus ocupaciones do
mesticas y otros Negocios no permitiendole
la continuada asistencia a estos actos no
se hallo presente a las declaraciones de los
otros Negros y aunque las firmo todas quan
do se las presento extendidas el Comandante
en este proceso fue confiado en la inteli
gencia de D.n Fernando Rodriguez por ser
este excribano Real quien en papel sepa
as attesting witness the aforementioned proceedings
according to what he has said he was present
at all the witness’s declarations,
which are detailed in them and in that case please say
in what language these took place, and if the
declarant understood well that which they were asked
and that which they responded and did he know
that they understood perfectly? he said:
that he only attended the declaration of the Black
named Cesar, that he was said to be the leader
or one of the principals of the suspected
conspiracy but that since his domestic
occupations and other Business did not permit
him continuous attendance at these hearings he
was not present at the declarations of the
other Blacks and although he signed all of them when
they were presented to him as issued by the Commander
in this process he trusted the intelligence
of Don Fernando Rodriguez being
a Royal scribe who on a separate paper
