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noventa y dos años: Estando en la Sala de su
estudio el Senor D.n D.n Nicolas Maria
Vidal Theniente Governador y Auditor de Guer
ra de esta Provincia y Asesor general del
Gobierno de ella comparecio D.n Antonio Ri
card de Rieutort de quien por medio de los Yn
terpretes D.n Antonio de Argote y D.n Juan
Josef duforest, y por ante mi el Escribano re-
civio su Mrd~ juramento que lo hizo por Dios
Nuestro Senor y una Señal de cruz con-
forme a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir ver-
dad en lo que supiere y fuere preguntado
y siendolo si no es cierto se llama D.n Antonio
Ricard de Rieutort si es el mismo a quien
nombro por uno de los testigos de asistencia
el Theniente D.n Valentin Leblanc coman
dante que fue del Puesto de Punta Cortada
para la actuacion de las diligencias del
sumario que hizo este contra varios Ne
ninety two: Being in his Study
Señor Doctor Don Nicolas Maria
Vidal Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate
of this Province and general Advisor to its
Government, Don Antonio Ricard
de Rieutort appeared from whom by way of the
Interpreters Don Antonio de Argote and Don Juan
Josef duforest and before me the Scribe his Honor
received the oath that he gave by God
Our Lord and a Sign of the cross according
to law under which he agreed to tell the truth
as he knew it and was asked
and being asked if it is not true that he is named Don Antonio
Ricard de Rieutort if he his the same who
was named as one of the attesting witnesses
by the Lieutenant Don Valentin Leblanc who was
commander of the Post of Punta Cortada
for the execution of the hearings of the summary
proceedings which he carried out against various
