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he hizo acerca de la Negra Venus que
declaro no haverse hallado presente el que
responde, quand ella fue interrogada;
si el declarante sostuvo lo contrario
fue porque la vio desde la Galeria de la
Casa de dicho Comandante quando a
presencia de este declarada aquella, lo
que creio ser suficiente para decir
que presencio dicho acto, por estar per-
suadido a que como testigo de asisten-
cia no tenia necesidad de imponerse
de lo que declaraba el testigo y responde
Preguntado si no sabia, y compre
hendia que no pidia, ni debia firmar
como testigo de asistencia las diligencias
y declaraciones, a que no se havia
hallado presente sin incurrir en fal
sedad y contribuir a la que pudiera
hacerse en suponer una cosa por
otra? dixo: que ignorando enteramente
addressed to him about the Black Venus that
the declarant declared not having been present,
when she was interrogated;
if the declarant said the contrary
it was because he saw her from the Gallery of the
said Commander’s House when
in his presence she gave a declaration, which
he thought was sufficient to say
that he was present for said hearing, because he was persuaded
that as attesting witness
it was not necessary to be involved in
what the witness declared and he responds
Asked if he did not know, and understand
that he could not, and should not, sign
as attesting witness the acts
and declarations for which he had not
been present without falling into
falsehoods and contributing to what could
happen when one thing was assumed for
another? he said: that the declarant was completely
