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Señor Gov.r Yntend.te
En ovedesimiento del Superior decreto de V.S. debo infor
mar: sobre el aviso que me fue dado el dia nueve de
Julio del ano proximo pasado a la siete de la tarde por
D.n Antonio Decuir habitante de la falsa Rivera que
venia de orden de su ermano D.n Joseph Decuir tambien
habitante de aquel lugar y subteniente de la compania
de milicias de la Punta Cortada darme parte que los
Negros de la nacion minan devian levantarse contra
todos los blancos de esa Jurisdiccion habitante he ordena
do al referido D.n Antonio Decuir de regresar con
vigilencia a la dha falsa Rivera con el fin de comuni
car de mi parte a su ermano el dho D.n Joseph Decuir
Señor Governor Intendant
In obedience to the Above decree from Your Honor I must
report the warning that was given to me the ninth of
July of last year at seven in the evening by
Don Antoino Decuir resident of the falsa Rivera who
came at the command of his brother Don Joseph Decuir also
resident of that place and second lieutenant of the militia
company of Punta Cortada to inform me that the
Blacks of the minan nation were going to rise up against
all the whites residing in this Jurisdiction I ordered
the said Don Antonio Decuir to return with
vigilance to the said falsa Rivera with the goal of communicating
on my behalf to his brother the said Don Joseph Decuir
