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Dicha Falsa Rivera encontramos a un Miliciano nombra
do Dominique Sezan frente a la havitacion de la viuda
Rovillard dando vozes a otros milicianos, y diciendolos ven-
gan Vm.des prompto con sus armas, a cuyos gritos nos acer
camos a el y preguntadolo la novedad que avia nos
respondio, nada de bueno a lo que le replique se explicase
mas; y entonses, lo hizo diciendo que el intento de los Negros
Minas no dejaba duda alguna; y me hizo la misma
relacion, que Bedel, añadiendo solamente el nombre del
Negro y de su amo; como igualmente, que atras venia
D.n Joseph Decuir con un destacamento condusiendo a unos
Negros minas y que uno de ellos nombrado Petit francois
Esclavo de Jorge Bergeron avia declarado el intento de
Concluyendo esta relacion llego D.n Joseph Decuir
quien me hizo la misma; y conducia los Negros presos
asegurandome que el Gefe de ello se llamaba Jacó, perte
neciente a Jacques Fabre por averselo declarado asi Petit
francois; pero, que no se avia podido encontrar, immedia
tamente mande a Pursio havitante de la falsa Rivera
con una parte de la custodia de los dichos Reos, para que
los condugese al Fuerte y si el mando de la otra parte
al Sitado D.n Joseph Decuir a fin de que hisiese todas
las posibles diligencias de aprehender a Jacó vivo, o-
muerto, si se veia presisado a este extremo.
Me retire despus al Fuerte en donde halle
a D. n Fran.co Allain, quien me informe que el Sargento
de Milicias Juan Baptista Bara, que mandaba la
guardia del Camino de avajo, que comunica del Puesto a la
Said Falsa Rivera we found a Militiaman named
Dominique Sezan in front of the dwelling of the widow
Rovillard calling to other militiamen, and saying to them come
quick with your weapons, by his yells we got closer
to him and asking him the news that he had he
responded, nothing good to which I replied that he should explain
more; and then, he did saying that the attempt by the Minas Blacks
did not leave any doubt; and he told me the same,
as Bedel, adding only the name of the
Black and his master; also as Bedel had said, that coming behind was
Don Joseph Decuir with a detachment leading some
minas Blacks and that one of them named Petit (“little”) francois
Slave of Jorge Bergeron had declared the attempt to
After he told me this Don Joseph Decuir arrived
who told me the same; and brought the captured Blacks
assuring me that the Leader of them was named Jacó,
belonging to Jacques Fabre, which Petit (“little”) francois had told them;
but, that they had not been able to find him, immediately
I sent Pursio resident of falsa Rivera
with part of the guard of the said Prisoners, in order to
take them to the Fort and the rest
to the aforementioned Don Joseph Decuir so that he do all
possible work to apprehend Jacó alive, or
dead, if he found this extreme necessary.
Afterwards I retired to the Fort where I found
Don Francisco Allain, who informs me that the Sergeant
of Militia Juan Baptista Bara, who was commanding the
guard on the lower Road, that connects the Post to
