Nueva Orleans y Marzo 26 de 1792
Respecto a hallarse en esta Ciudad el theniente
D.n Valentin Le Blanc, comandante del Puesto de
Punta Cortada, hagasele saver, que informe cir-
constanciadamente, si ademas de la noticia
que se le comunico aver dado a D.n Jorge Olivo
la Negra Venus, y demas sus Esclavos que
se refieren en do Proceso sobre el proyectado le
vantamiento de los Negros de la nacion Minan
de la Falza Rivera, la tuvo tambien de otras
personas, que la huvieren averiguado aver
oido algo a los dichos Negros o visto en ellos
demonstraciones, que indicasen tal intento
Expresando la que ayan sido, y todo lo
ocurrido en el particular con individuales de
Y asimismo sobre el modo con que fueron
Examinados los referidos negros en la
declaraciones que les tomo en estos autos
y como se les pudo entender lo que decian
Respecto a hallarse en esta Ciudad el theniente
D.n Valentin Le Blanc, comandante del Puesto de
Punta Cortada, hagasele saver, que informe cir-
constanciadamente, si ademas de la noticia
que se le comunico aver dado a D.n Jorge Olivo
la Negra Venus, y demas sus Esclavos que
se refieren en do Proceso sobre el proyectado le
vantamiento de los Negros de la nacion Minan
de la Falza Rivera, la tuvo tambien de otras
personas, que la huvieren averiguado aver
oido algo a los dichos Negros o visto en ellos
demonstraciones, que indicasen tal intento
Expresando la que ayan sido, y todo lo
ocurrido en el particular con individuales de
Y asimismo sobre el modo con que fueron
Examinados los referidos negros en la
declaraciones que les tomo en estos autos
y como se les pudo entender lo que decian
New Orleans March 26 1792
Given that the lieutenant Don Valentin Le Blanc,
commander of the post of Punta Cortada, is in this City
let him be informed, that he report
in a detailed manner, if in addition to the news
that he was told was given to Don Jorge Olivo,
by the Black Venus, and also his slaves who
are referred to in this trial about the planned
uprising of the Blacks of the Minan nation
of the Falza Rivera, he also had the news from other
people, who had confirmed having
heard something about the said Blacks or seen in them
signs, that would indicate such an intent
Expressing what that news may have been and all that
occurred in the matter with individuals
And also about the way in which the
said blacks were Examined in the
declarations that he took from them in these proceedings
and how it was possible to understand what they were saying
Given that the lieutenant Don Valentin Le Blanc,
commander of the post of Punta Cortada, is in this City
let him be informed, that he report
in a detailed manner, if in addition to the news
that he was told was given to Don Jorge Olivo,
by the Black Venus, and also his slaves who
are referred to in this trial about the planned
uprising of the Blacks of the Minan nation
of the Falza Rivera, he also had the news from other
people, who had confirmed having
heard something about the said Blacks or seen in them
signs, that would indicate such an intent
Expressing what that news may have been and all that
occurred in the matter with individuals
And also about the way in which the
said blacks were Examined in the
declarations that he took from them in these proceedings
and how it was possible to understand what they were saying
Previous document:
Certification of Duplicate Record of Testimonies (August 1, 1791)
Next document:
Notification of Leblanc (March 26, 1792)