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condusia al Negro Reo de este ultimo llamado Atas
le confeso este quanto devia hazer los Minas contra
los Blancos.
El modo conque fueron examinidos los referidos
Negros ya lo tengo antes indicado; y repito aora,
Especificando que es verdad que ellos no entenderan
el Ydioma legitimo Frances, ni el Ingles; pero todos
entienden, y se explican perfectamente en el Criollo que
es una mescla, segun tambien llevo dicho, de la lengua
de sus naciones y de la fransesa mal pronunciada
y peor con cordada: cuyo lengauge no lo saben todos
los vecinos y havitantes franseses o Ingleses de la
Provincia; pero yo, los testigos y el Escrivano P.o
D.n Fernandes Rodriqez que asistieron lo sabemos
mui bien; y de esto pudo muy bien resultar que en
Esta ciudad, ignorandolo los ynterpretes frances, no
pudiesen entender a los Negros, ni ser entendidos
de ellos; a mas de que en obsequio de mi onor; y del
justificacion con que he prosedido: todo haser presen
a V.S. con el mayor respecto: que esto Reos fueron
Examinados aqui despues de algun tiempo de su llegado?
y que este retardo aun que sin ser por culap del
tribunal, pues se causo segun estoy instruido ya
por bastas ocupaciones y Ya por enfermedad
del Senor Auditor de Guerra havia tal vez
facilitado el que ellos pudiesen haber sido instruidos
y adiestrados, para que fingieron mas ignorancia
he led the latter’s Black Prisoner named Atas
he confessed to him how much the Minas were going to do against
the Whites.
The way in which the aforementioned Blacks
were examined I have already indicated; and I repeat it now,
Specifying that it is true that they will not understand
the legitimate French Language, nor English; but all
understand, and explain themselves perfectly in Creole which
is a mix, which I have also already said, of the language of
their nations and badly pronounced French with
worse grammatical agreement: which language not all
the French or English neighbors and residents of the Province know;
but I, the witnesses and the Notary Public
Don Fernandes Rodriqez who attended we know it
very well; and thus it could very well have been that in
This city, the French interpreters, not knowing this, were not
able to understand the Blacks, nor be understood
by them; moreover keeping in mind my honor, and the
righteousness with which I have proceeded: I present everything
to Your Honor with the utmost respect: that these Prisoners were
Examined some time after their arrival?
and that this delay although it was the fault of the
court, because it was caused as I was told first by
much business and Then by the illness
of the Judge-Advocate this might have
made it easier for them to have been instructed
and trained, so that they pretended more ignorance
