de tomar todas la precauciones que fuere de su prudencia
a fin de preservar la falsa Rivera y este puesto del daño que
la amenasava un asunto de esta naturalesa, arestando a
todos los Negros de la nacion referida y si huviere algunos
yndisias que probaria la verdad de la intencion de dha
nacion, y arestar tambien a qualesquiera que fuere suspechoso
en este asunto; y cuyas diligencias devian executarse en dha
noche y tambien una visita general en todas las cavañas de
los Negros de la dha falsa Rivera con el fin de recoger sus
Armas si se les encontrare y penetrar si fuera posible sus
intenciones, dandome parte de qualquiera asunto que huviere
pasado con toda la vigilencia posible y en este puesto de la
Punta Cortado hise poner una guardia en la entrada de tres
caminos que comuniquan del dho puesto a la referida falsa Rivera
con las ordenas a cada comandante de dhas guardias que si en
los sitados caminos vendria a pasar algunas tropas de Negros
arestarlos y que si estos querian haser resistencia y defenderse
obligarlos tambien afin de interseptar todas comunicasiones de
Cortada a la falsa Rivera, con el haviso a cada comandante
de las guardias referidas que si hoyeren tres tiros en la entradas
del Camino nuevo seria el aviso que el puesto seria atacado que
alistante la guardia del fuerte Respondria con otros tres tiros
que entonses todas la guardias y patrullas se fuesen recogidos
en el fuerto para resivir mis ordenes; he pasado aquella anoche
a cavallo acompañado de D.n Francisco Allain capitan de milicas
hasiendo ronda en ese Puesto con el fin de tener la vigilencia
correspondiente a el dho aviso, finalmente se paso esta noche como
tambien las otras sin disgracias algunas, el dia siguiente fui avisado
a fin de preservar la falsa Rivera y este puesto del daño que
la amenasava un asunto de esta naturalesa, arestando a
todos los Negros de la nacion referida y si huviere algunos
yndisias que probaria la verdad de la intencion de dha
nacion, y arestar tambien a qualesquiera que fuere suspechoso
en este asunto; y cuyas diligencias devian executarse en dha
noche y tambien una visita general en todas las cavañas de
los Negros de la dha falsa Rivera con el fin de recoger sus
Armas si se les encontrare y penetrar si fuera posible sus
intenciones, dandome parte de qualquiera asunto que huviere
pasado con toda la vigilencia posible y en este puesto de la
Punta Cortado hise poner una guardia en la entrada de tres
caminos que comuniquan del dho puesto a la referida falsa Rivera
con las ordenas a cada comandante de dhas guardias que si en
los sitados caminos vendria a pasar algunas tropas de Negros
arestarlos y que si estos querian haser resistencia y defenderse
obligarlos tambien afin de interseptar todas comunicasiones de
Cortada a la falsa Rivera, con el haviso a cada comandante
de las guardias referidas que si hoyeren tres tiros en la entradas
del Camino nuevo seria el aviso que el puesto seria atacado que
alistante la guardia del fuerte Respondria con otros tres tiros
que entonses todas la guardias y patrullas se fuesen recogidos
en el fuerto para resivir mis ordenes; he pasado aquella anoche
a cavallo acompañado de D.n Francisco Allain capitan de milicas
hasiendo ronda en ese Puesto con el fin de tener la vigilencia
correspondiente a el dho aviso, finalmente se paso esta noche como
tambien las otras sin disgracias algunas, el dia siguiente fui avisado
to take all the precautions he judged necessary
with the goal of preserving falsa Rivera and this post from the harm
which a matter of this kind threatened, detaining
all the Blacks from the said nation and if there were any
indications that would prove the truth of this nation’s
intention, to also detain anyone who was suspicious
in this matter; and which acts were to be done that
night and also a general visit to al the huts of
the Blacks of the said falsa Rivera with the goal of collecting their
Weapons if they found any and understanding if possible their
intentions, informing me of any matter that took place
with all possible watchfulness and in this post of
Punta Cortado I had placed a guard in the entrance of three
roads that go from the said post to the said falsa Rivera
with orders to each commander of the said guards that if on
the said roads any troops of Blacks came
to detain them and that if these wished to offer resistance and defend themselves
to compel them also in order to intercept all communications from
Cortada to falsa Rivera, with notice to each commander
of the said guards that if they heard three shots in the entrance
to the new road this would be the warning that the post would be attacked that
immediately the fort guard would Respond with another three shots
that then all the guards and patrols would gather
in the fort to receive my orders; I passed that night
on horseback accompanied by Don Francisco Allain militia captain
making the rounds on this Post with the goal of having the watchfulness
corresponding to the said warning, in the end the night passed as
also the others did without any misfortune, the following day I was informed
with the goal of preserving falsa Rivera and this post from the harm
which a matter of this kind threatened, detaining
all the Blacks from the said nation and if there were any
indications that would prove the truth of this nation’s
intention, to also detain anyone who was suspicious
in this matter; and which acts were to be done that
night and also a general visit to al the huts of
the Blacks of the said falsa Rivera with the goal of collecting their
Weapons if they found any and understanding if possible their
intentions, informing me of any matter that took place
with all possible watchfulness and in this post of
Punta Cortado I had placed a guard in the entrance of three
roads that go from the said post to the said falsa Rivera
with orders to each commander of the said guards that if on
the said roads any troops of Blacks came
to detain them and that if these wished to offer resistance and defend themselves
to compel them also in order to intercept all communications from
Cortada to falsa Rivera, with notice to each commander
of the said guards that if they heard three shots in the entrance
to the new road this would be the warning that the post would be attacked that
immediately the fort guard would Respond with another three shots
that then all the guards and patrols would gather
in the fort to receive my orders; I passed that night
on horseback accompanied by Don Francisco Allain militia captain
making the rounds on this Post with the goal of having the watchfulness
corresponding to the said warning, in the end the night passed as
also the others did without any misfortune, the following day I was informed
Previous document:
Notification of Leblanc (March 26, 1792)