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como a las seis de la mañana por el nombrado Ustache
Bedel, que avia oido decir, que una Patrulla de Milicias
de la Falsa Rivera avia cogido un Negro de la Nacion
Minan tocando a la puerta de otro negro de la misma
nacion, y que al tiempo de aprehenderse se puso en
defensa contra dicha Patrulla con un cuchillo, que tenia
en la mano, y que despues de ser cogido se le hallaron
unos cartuchos hechos con cañas llenos de polvora y
valas y postas, que llebaba en un saco de pellejo: esta
Noticia, que me fue dada en presencia de D.n francisco
Allain Capitan de Milicias y D.n Ricard de Rieutord
Subteniente retirado de las mismas, me paresio suficiente
para no dudar del proyecto de los dichos Negros minan
y tomar las mas eficases precauciones a fin de evitarlo
como asumpto de tanta importancia y no teniendo aun
de aviso de D.n Joseph Decuir subteniente de las referi
das Milicias, y encargado por mi de la Falsa Rivera
no viendo venir al sitado negro Reo ya aprehendido
fue suficiente para acavar de persuadirme la nesesidad
en que me hallaba de partir al instante como lo hise
a la dha falsa Rivera con el objeto de averiguar las
noticias que Bedel me havia comunicado en orden a la
sublevacion que se intentaba por aquellos Negros
y mas quando aquel ya avia inquietado a los vesinos
con las mismas noticias: mi partida fue en consorcio de
D. n Agustin Allain ten. te de Exercito y D.n Simon
Croizat Ayundante de Milicia y saliendo del camino
nuevo que comunica del Puesto de la Punta Cortada a la
at about six in the morning by the named Ustache
Bedel, who had heard it said, that a Militia Patrol
from Falsa Rivera had caught a Black from the Minan Nation
knocking on the door of another black from the same
nation, and at the moment of being apprehended he defended himself
against said Patrol with a knife, which he had
in his hand, and that after being caught they discovered that he had
some cartridges made with reeds full of powder and
bullets and slugs, that he was carrying in a bag made of skins: this
News, which was given to me in the presence of Don francisco
Allain Captain of the Militias and Don Ricard de Rieutord
retired second lieutenant from the same, it seemed to me sufficient
to not doubt the plan of the minan Blacks
and to take the most effective precautions in order to avoid it
as a matter of such importance and not having yet
had notice from Don Joseph Decuir second lieutenant of the said
Militia, and myself in charge of Falsa Rivera
not seeing the aforementioned apprehended black Prisoner already arrested
it was sufficient to finish convincing me of the necessity
for me to leave immediately as I did
for the said falsa Rivera with the goal of verifying the
news that Bedel had given me with respect to the
uprising being attempted by those Blacks
and also since he had already worried the neighbors
with the same news: I left with
Don Agustin Allain lieutenant of the Army and Don Simon
Croizat Adjutant of the Militia and left by the new
road which goes from the Post of Punta Cortada to the
