Confieses; y entonses relato todo lo que constan en su
Declaracion puesta en autos y hechos en presensia de los
testigos de mi asistencia y ademas de D.n Julian Poydras
y D.n Agustin Allain.
Seguidamente hize compareser a los demas Reos
quienes declararon lo que constan en el proseso, haviendose
hallado presente no solos los testigos de asistencia, sino
tambien a las mas de la declaraciones, los havitantes D.n
francisco Allain, capitan de Milicia, D.n Agustin Allain,
teniente de Exto, D.n Simon Crizet, Ayudante de Milicia,
M.r Lastigue le Douro, D.n Alexandro LeBlanc, Juan
Baptista Bara y otros de quienes no hago memoria, y
los referidos podran talvez hacerlas sitarlos, si se les
preguntas: con la circunstancias de que este Bara, presen
cio la declaracion del Negro (de cuyo nombre no me acu
erdo) perteneciente a su Madre, viuda Leblond, a quien el
mismo Negro avia manifestado antes lo que confeso luego
en mi presencia, y se halla en el Proseso.
El nombrado Jacque Fabre havitante de la
Falsa Rivera vino ami, y me dijo, que avia oydo unas
voses y que si eran ciertas, y no se castigaban los
Reos por falta de averiguacion, el estaba en el animo de
no seder el suyo, llamado Jacó, aun que no tenia otro, y
que primero lo mataria que verlo bolver libre pues este
Negro era un Grandissimo picaro capz de darle
muerte luego que hallase occasion.
D.n Simon Croizet me revelo tambien que el
Mulato de M.R Colin Lacour le avia dicho que quando
Declaracion puesta en autos y hechos en presensia de los
testigos de mi asistencia y ademas de D.n Julian Poydras
y D.n Agustin Allain.
Seguidamente hize compareser a los demas Reos
quienes declararon lo que constan en el proseso, haviendose
hallado presente no solos los testigos de asistencia, sino
tambien a las mas de la declaraciones, los havitantes D.n
francisco Allain, capitan de Milicia, D.n Agustin Allain,
teniente de Exto, D.n Simon Crizet, Ayudante de Milicia,
M.r Lastigue le Douro, D.n Alexandro LeBlanc, Juan
Baptista Bara y otros de quienes no hago memoria, y
los referidos podran talvez hacerlas sitarlos, si se les
preguntas: con la circunstancias de que este Bara, presen
cio la declaracion del Negro (de cuyo nombre no me acu
erdo) perteneciente a su Madre, viuda Leblond, a quien el
mismo Negro avia manifestado antes lo que confeso luego
en mi presencia, y se halla en el Proseso.
El nombrado Jacque Fabre havitante de la
Falsa Rivera vino ami, y me dijo, que avia oydo unas
voses y que si eran ciertas, y no se castigaban los
Reos por falta de averiguacion, el estaba en el animo de
no seder el suyo, llamado Jacó, aun que no tenia otro, y
que primero lo mataria que verlo bolver libre pues este
Negro era un Grandissimo picaro capz de darle
muerte luego que hallase occasion.
D.n Simon Croizet me revelo tambien que el
Mulato de M.R Colin Lacour le avia dicho que quando
Confess; and then he said all that which appears in his
Declaration placed in the proceedings and done in the presence of the
attesting witnesses and also that of Don Julian Poydras
and Don Agustin Allain.
Immediately I had the rest of the Prisoners appear
who declared that which appears in the trial, having
been present not only the attesting witnesses but
also at most of the declarations the residents Don
Francisco Allain, Militia captain, Don Agustin Allain,
Army lieutenant, Don Simon Crizet, Militia adjutant,
Monsieur Lastigue le Douro, Don Alexandro LeBlanc, Juan
Baptista Bara and others I do not remember, and
the aforementioned will perhaps be able to name them, if you
ask them: with the circumstances being that this Bara, witnessed
the declaration of the Black (whose name I do not
remember) belonging to his Mother, the widow Leblond, to whom the
same Black had expressed before that which he confessed later
in my presence, and is found in the Trial.
The aforementioned Jacque Fabre resident of
Falsa Rivera came to me, and said to me, that he had heard some
rumors and that if they were true, and that the Prisoners were not
punished for lack of verification, he was of a mind to
not give up his, named Jacó, although he did not have another, and,
and that he would rather kill him than see him become free because this
Black was a Huge rascal capable of killing him
whenever there was opportunity.
Don Simon Croizet also revealed to me that the
mulato of Monsieur Colin Lacour had told him that when
Declaration placed in the proceedings and done in the presence of the
attesting witnesses and also that of Don Julian Poydras
and Don Agustin Allain.
Immediately I had the rest of the Prisoners appear
who declared that which appears in the trial, having
been present not only the attesting witnesses but
also at most of the declarations the residents Don
Francisco Allain, Militia captain, Don Agustin Allain,
Army lieutenant, Don Simon Crizet, Militia adjutant,
Monsieur Lastigue le Douro, Don Alexandro LeBlanc, Juan
Baptista Bara and others I do not remember, and
the aforementioned will perhaps be able to name them, if you
ask them: with the circumstances being that this Bara, witnessed
the declaration of the Black (whose name I do not
remember) belonging to his Mother, the widow Leblond, to whom the
same Black had expressed before that which he confessed later
in my presence, and is found in the Trial.
The aforementioned Jacque Fabre resident of
Falsa Rivera came to me, and said to me, that he had heard some
rumors and that if they were true, and that the Prisoners were not
punished for lack of verification, he was of a mind to
not give up his, named Jacó, although he did not have another, and,
and that he would rather kill him than see him become free because this
Black was a Huge rascal capable of killing him
whenever there was opportunity.
Don Simon Croizet also revealed to me that the
mulato of Monsieur Colin Lacour had told him that when
Previous document:
Notification of Leblanc (March 26, 1792)