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déclaration, il a dit quelle étoit
très conforme qu’il est agé d’environ
quarante six ans, & déclarant ne
savoir signer l’avons fait avec
l’assesseur & les témoins d’assistance
de tout quoi donnons foi = Signé
=Duparc = Vahamonde =
=Serrano =J. B. Beauvais = Jn
Jarreau = Pre. hubert
read, he said that it agreed with what he had said, that he was about 46 years old,and saying he didn’t know how to sign his name, we did so with the assessor and witnesses, all of which we attest. Signed Duparc, Vahamonde, Serrano, J. B. Beauvais, J. Jarreau, Pre. Hubert
