patrulla los vecinos, y fue uno de ellos el de-
clarante, y que solo encontro al Negro es
clavo de Jacinto Chistes tocando a la puer
ta de la Cabaña del Negro del declaran
te: que inmediatamente lo cogieron, y que
el exponente por conocerlo le dixo, con
que tu me querias matar? a que le res-
pondio el Negro que no, que como havian
tenido un baile que havia durado como
veinte y quatro horas, en que bebieron
mucho aguardiente, havian determinado
algunos de ellos robar e irse marrones
para libertarse de los malos tratamientos
de sus amos y responde ----
Preguntado si el dicho Negro hizo al
guna resistencia en aquel acto de su
prision? dixo que no, sino que se havia
entregado mui humilde, y que aunque
despues se esparcio favor, de que havia
clarante, y que solo encontro al Negro es
clavo de Jacinto Chistes tocando a la puer
ta de la Cabaña del Negro del declaran
te: que inmediatamente lo cogieron, y que
el exponente por conocerlo le dixo, con
que tu me querias matar? a que le res-
pondio el Negro que no, que como havian
tenido un baile que havia durado como
veinte y quatro horas, en que bebieron
mucho aguardiente, havian determinado
algunos de ellos robar e irse marrones
para libertarse de los malos tratamientos
de sus amos y responde ----
Preguntado si el dicho Negro hizo al
guna resistencia en aquel acto de su
prision? dixo que no, sino que se havia
entregado mui humilde, y que aunque
despues se esparcio favor, de que havia
patrolled, and the declarant was one of these,
and that he only found the Black
slave of Jacinto Chistes knocking at the door
of the Hut of the declarant’s Black:
that they immediately captured him, and that
the declarant, since he knew him, said to him,
what, do you want to kill me? to which the Black
responded that no, that they had
had a dance that had lasted about
twenty four hours, in which they drank
a lot of liquor, some of them had determined
to steal and run away
to free themselves from the bad treatment
of their masters and he responds--
Asked if the said Black resisted
at all at the time of his
capture? he said that no, that instead that he
turned himself in very humbly, and that although
afterwards the word spread, that he had
and that he only found the Black
slave of Jacinto Chistes knocking at the door
of the Hut of the declarant’s Black:
that they immediately captured him, and that
the declarant, since he knew him, said to him,
what, do you want to kill me? to which the Black
responded that no, that they had
had a dance that had lasted about
twenty four hours, in which they drank
a lot of liquor, some of them had determined
to steal and run away
to free themselves from the bad treatment
of their masters and he responds--
Asked if the said Black resisted
at all at the time of his
capture? he said that no, that instead that he
turned himself in very humbly, and that although
afterwards the word spread, that he had
Previous document:
Gabriel Roufat Notified of Subpoena (May 22, 1792)
Next document:
Notice of Delayed Proceedings (September 1, 1792)