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le contesto el Comandante, que esperaba unos
papeles de la ciudad y que dentro de quatro o
cinco dias se lo volviera, luego que se huviesen
evacuado cientas declaraciones, y que no se
verifico pues a los ocho dias lo remitio para
esta ciudad con los demas Negros, de lo qual
se le ha seguido al declarante tantos que-
brantos que ha venido de quedar arruinado
por haver perdido la mayor parte de su
trabajo, de que dimanó, que un acreedor
suyo lo huviere executado y quitadole la
posecion, que tenia y respondia ----
Preguntado si antes de ese dia lo
havia llamado el Comandante al Ne
gro para tomarle alguna declara
claracion? dixo: que no sino solo en la que
dixa citada y responde ----
Preguntado, quanto tiempo havia
que estaban presos los demas Negros
the Commander told him, that he was waiting on a few
papers from the city and that in four or
five days he would be returned, after they had
finished some declarations, and that this
did not take place since after a week he sent him to
this city with the rest of the Blacks, from which
so many losses have ensued for the declarant
that he has been left ruined
by having lost most of his
work, from which it resulted that one of his
creditors reclaimed his debt and took his
property, which he had and responded--
Asked if before this day the
Commander had called the Black
to take down any
declaration? he said: that no except only in the
aforementioned case and he responds--
Asked, how much time
had the rest of the Blacks been prisoners
