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dixo que havia mas de quinze dias y que
en aquel mismo veinte y ocho de Julio llevo
Ternan el suyo la ultima vez y res
Preguntado quienes estaban presen
tes quando el Comandante le tomo la
declaracion que de la referida a su
Negro Pedro? y si se escribio lo que decia
dixia que no havia mas que los tres el
Comandante, el que declara, y el Negro
y que no se escribia lo que se le pregun
taba al Negro, ni lo que este exponia
y responde----
Preguntado si supo, oyo decir, y
a quien, que los Negros Minas hu
viesen proyectado levantarse contra
los blancos? dixo que lo oyo decir a los
blancos Criollos que con este motivo de
orden del Comandante hicieron la
he said that it had been more than two weeks and that
on that same twenty eighth of July
Ternan took his slave the last time and
he responds--
Asked who was present
when the Commander took the
declaration he refers to of his
Black Pedro? and if they wrote down what he said
he said that there were only those three the
Commander, the declarant, and the Black
and that they did not write down what they asked
the Black, nor what he explained
and he responds--
Asked if he knew, heard it said, and
to whom, that the Minas Blacks had
planned to revolt against
the whites? he said that he heard it said by
white Creoles that with this goal on the
orders of the Commander the neighbors
