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quien su Mrd por antemi el Escrivano
recivio juramento que lo hizo por dios
Nuestro Señor y una señal de cruz con-
forme a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir ver-
dad en lo que supiere y fuere pregunta-
do y siendole si tiene un Negro su esclavo
preso en esta R.l Carcel y como se llama?
dixo que si que se llama Pedro y res-
ponde ---
Preguntado quien lo prendio, por orden
de quien, quando y como se verifico su
arrest.o dixo: que D.n Fran.co Allain oficial
de milicias el dia veinte y siete de Julio
del ano proximo pasado le dio orden al
declarante de parte del Comandante D.n
Valentin Leblanc para que le mandara
alla a su negro Pedro, para tomarle
una declaracion que efectivamente le
mando a este en el siguiente dia como
lo verifico solo aunque nadie lo a compa-
whom his Honor before me the scribe
received an oath that he gave before god
Our Lord and a sign of the cross according
to law under which he agreed to tell the
truth as he knew it and be questioned
and being asked if he has a Black his slave
held in this Royal Jail and what is his name?
he said that yes that his name is Pedro and
Asked who captured him, on whose
orders, when and how his arrest was
verified he said: that Don Francisco Allain official of the
militia on the twenty seventh of July
of last year gave an order to the
declarant from Commander Don
Valentin Leblanc that he send
his black Pedro there, to take from him
a declaration, that indeed he
sent him there the following day as
he confirmed alone although nobody accompanied him
