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ñado diciendole el declarante que el
Comandante lo llamaba que el sabria
si tendria algun delito y que viendo que
era el medio dia, y que no havia vuelto
el Negro se fue el que declara a casa
del Comandante y hallo que a este tiem
po le estaba examinando preguntan
dole si havia asistido al baile de los
Negros Minas a que le respondia el
Negro que no por que no podia
andar de prisa por hallarse algo en
fermado un pie, y que lo mismo
dirian los demas Negros; que el decla
rante le significo al Comandante que
su Negro estaba inocente que que con
su cuerpo respondia por el, y que a
le hiciera el el favor de entregarsele
porque era un pobre y le haria fal
ta para sus trabajos a lo que se
the declarant said to him that the
Commander was calling him that he would know
if he committed any crime and that seeing that
it was noon, and that the Black had not returned
the declarant went to the house
of the Commander and found that at that time
they were examining him, asking
him whether he had attended the dance of the
Minas Blacks to which the Black responded
that no because he could not
go in haste because he found himself with a small
illness in the foot, and that the rest of the Blacks
would say the same; that the declarant
indicated to the Commander that
his Black was innocent that with
his body he would respond for him, and that
would he do him the favor of returning him
because he was a poor man and he needed him
for his work to which
