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"avait dit Lucas, Antoine, & [sic] parceque le déclarant était occupé à prendre sa [rations?] dans le temps que Joseph Mina était venu pour parler aux autres, a répondu

Intérogé sur la troisieme cite il a dit qu'elle était trés conforme à l'exception que François s'etait trompé quand il avait dit que c'était avant Paques que les négres voulaient frapper, Guillaume n'était venu leur parler que le jour de la premiere patrouille et de n'avoir point entendu dire au dit Guillaume quand [il soit retiré] qu'il allait trouver Antoine Commandeur à la [veuve] Lacour, et il ajoute que le complot était fait a la ciprière"
"had told Lucas, Antoine, and [sic] because the declarant was busy [taking his rations] during the time that Joseph Mina had come to speak with the others, he replied.

Asked about the third mentioned he said that it was very consistent with the exception that Francois was wrong when he had said that it was before Easter that the negros wanted to attack, Guillaume had come to talk to them only the day of the first patrol and to not have heard talk about the said Guillaume, when [it was withdrawn?] that he would find Antoine, Commander to the [widow?] Lacour, and he adds that the conspiracy was made in the cypress swamp"
