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En la Ciudad de la Nueva Orleans a veinte
y uno de Enero de mil sett.s Noventa y tres
años: Estando en la sala de su estudio el
Señor D.r D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal The
niente Gobernador y auditor de guerra de
esta Provincia y Asesor general del Go
bierno de ella comparecio D.n Josef De
cuir Theniente de milicias, de quien su
mrd por medio de los Ynterpretes D.n
Juan Josef Duforest, Y D.n Daniel Morti
mer y por antemi el Escribano recivio
juramento que lo hizo por Dios Nuestro
Señor, y la cruz de su Espada poniendo
la mano derecha sobre el puño de ella
bajo el que ofrecio decir verdad en lo
que supiere, y fuere preguntado; y
siendolo si se acuerda haver hecho una
declaracion antemi el presente Es.no
In the City of New Orleans on the twenty
first of January seventeen Ninety three:
Being in his study the
Señor Doctor Don Nicolas Maria Vidal Lieutenant
Governor and judge-advocate of
this Province and general Advisor to its
Government Don Josef Decuir Lieutenant
of the militias appeared, from whom his
honor through the Interpreters Don
Juan Josef Duforest, And Don Daniel MOrtimer
and before me the Scribe received
the oath that he gave by God Our
Lord, and the cross of his Sword putting
his right hand on its hilt
under which he promised to tell the truth as he
knew it, and was asked; and
being asked if he remembered having made a
declaration before me the present Scribe
