cuidando solo de cumplir las ordenes que
le havia dado el Comandante, y de procurar
por su parte impedir la conjuracion, si
acaso era cierto el aviso que se le havia
dado de ella, y responde----
Preguntado si al Negro Petit fran
çois esclavo de Jorge Bergeron no le
oyo decir el declarante que era cierto el in
tento de los Negros Minas de levantarse con
tra los blancos, y que el Gefe de ellos era el
Negro Jaco perteneciente a Santiago Fa
bre? y si el declarante le comunico esta
noticia al comadante? dixo: que no le
oyo decir nada de lo que contiene la
pregunta al Negro Petit François escla
vo de Jorge Bergeron porque jamas
hable con dicho Negro, ni con los demas y
que por consiguiente no pudo haverle
le havia dado el Comandante, y de procurar
por su parte impedir la conjuracion, si
acaso era cierto el aviso que se le havia
dado de ella, y responde----
Preguntado si al Negro Petit fran
çois esclavo de Jorge Bergeron no le
oyo decir el declarante que era cierto el in
tento de los Negros Minas de levantarse con
tra los blancos, y que el Gefe de ellos era el
Negro Jaco perteneciente a Santiago Fa
bre? y si el declarante le comunico esta
noticia al comadante? dixo: que no le
oyo decir nada de lo que contiene la
pregunta al Negro Petit François escla
vo de Jorge Bergeron porque jamas
hable con dicho Negro, ni con los demas y
que por consiguiente no pudo haverle
only taking care to fulfil the orders that
the Commander had given him, and to make sure
for his part to prevent the conspiracy, in
case the information that had been given about
it was true, and he responds--
Asked if the declarant did not
hear the Black Petit (“little”) françois
slave of Jorge Bergeron say that the
intent of the Minas Blacks to rise up against
the whites was true, and that their Leader was the
Black Jaco belonging to Santiago
Fabre? and if the declarant told the commander
of this news? he said: that he did not
hear the Black Petit (“little”) François slave
of Jorge Bergon say anything about
what the question asks because he never
spoke with the said Black, nor with the others and
therefore he cannot have
the Commander had given him, and to make sure
for his part to prevent the conspiracy, in
case the information that had been given about
it was true, and he responds--
Asked if the declarant did not
hear the Black Petit (“little”) françois
slave of Jorge Bergeron say that the
intent of the Minas Blacks to rise up against
the whites was true, and that their Leader was the
Black Jaco belonging to Santiago
Fabre? and if the declarant told the commander
of this news? he said: that he did not
hear the Black Petit (“little”) François slave
of Jorge Bergon say anything about
what the question asks because he never
spoke with the said Black, nor with the others and
therefore he cannot have
Previous document:
Declaration of Alexandre Le Blanc (January 19, 1793)
Next document:
Letter from Duparc to Carondelet (March 8, 1793)