claraciones de las que dieron los Negros
que se consideraban reos ante Dn Valen
tin Leblanc Comandante que fue del
Puesto de Punta Cortada; exprese a
quales de ella? dixo: que no asistio a nin
guna declaracion de los Negros, pues solo
una vez estuvo en el fuerte, con motivo se
gun quiere acordarse de darle razon al
Comandante de una orden que le havia
comunicado, y responde
Preguntado si a esos mismos Negros
u a alguno o algunos otros les ha oido
el declarante hablar de la prohectada suble
vacion, confesando que la havian inten
tado? dixo: que ni a esos que consideraban
reos, ni a otros algunos no les oyo decir nada
sobre el particular, ni se introduxo tampo
co el declarante a preguntarles
que se consideraban reos ante Dn Valen
tin Leblanc Comandante que fue del
Puesto de Punta Cortada; exprese a
quales de ella? dixo: que no asistio a nin
guna declaracion de los Negros, pues solo
una vez estuvo en el fuerte, con motivo se
gun quiere acordarse de darle razon al
Comandante de una orden que le havia
comunicado, y responde
Preguntado si a esos mismos Negros
u a alguno o algunos otros les ha oido
el declarante hablar de la prohectada suble
vacion, confesando que la havian inten
tado? dixo: que ni a esos que consideraban
reos, ni a otros algunos no les oyo decir nada
sobre el particular, ni se introduxo tampo
co el declarante a preguntarles
declarations which the Blacks considered
criminals gave before Don Valentin
Leblanc who was Commander of the
Post of Punta Cortada, will he say
which? he said: that he did not attend
any of the Blacks’ declarations, since he
was only in the fort one time, as he remembers
in order to give the Commander
word of an order that had been
communicated to him, and he responds
Asked if the declarant had heard these
same Blacks or another or various of the others
speak of the planned uprising,
confessing that they had intended
it? he said; that he had not heard those who
were considered criminals nor any others say anything
about the matter, nor did the declarant involve
himself to ask them
criminals gave before Don Valentin
Leblanc who was Commander of the
Post of Punta Cortada, will he say
which? he said: that he did not attend
any of the Blacks’ declarations, since he
was only in the fort one time, as he remembers
in order to give the Commander
word of an order that had been
communicated to him, and he responds
Asked if the declarant had heard these
same Blacks or another or various of the others
speak of the planned uprising,
confessing that they had intended
it? he said; that he had not heard those who
were considered criminals nor any others say anything
about the matter, nor did the declarant involve
himself to ask them
Previous document:
Declaration of Alexandre Le Blanc (January 19, 1793)
Next document:
Letter from Duparc to Carondelet (March 8, 1793)