a treinta y uno de Enero del año proximo
pasado en el Puesto de Punta Cortada, si
es la misma que se le pone presente en este
acto, constante a foxas doscientas sesenta
y nueve de este proceso con una firma que
dice J.h Decuir; si la reconoce por suya
y si es cierto su contenido? dixo: Que se acuer
da haver dado una declaracion ante mi el
presente Escribano en el dia y parage que
se cita en la pregunta, y que la que se le
acababa leer es la misma puntualmente
y cierto en todas sus partes su contenido sin
que tenga que añadir ni quitar y que la
firma a que en ella aparece es propria
del declarante, y de su puño y letra
y responde----
Preguntado si asistio y se hallo presen
te el exponente a alguna o algunas de
pasado en el Puesto de Punta Cortada, si
es la misma que se le pone presente en este
acto, constante a foxas doscientas sesenta
y nueve de este proceso con una firma que
dice J.h Decuir; si la reconoce por suya
y si es cierto su contenido? dixo: Que se acuer
da haver dado una declaracion ante mi el
presente Escribano en el dia y parage que
se cita en la pregunta, y que la que se le
acababa leer es la misma puntualmente
y cierto en todas sus partes su contenido sin
que tenga que añadir ni quitar y que la
firma a que en ella aparece es propria
del declarante, y de su puño y letra
y responde----
Preguntado si asistio y se hallo presen
te el exponente a alguna o algunas de
on the thirty first of January of last
year on the Post of Punta Cortada, if
it is the same one that is shown in this
hearing, appearing on page two hundred sixty
nine of this hearing with a signature that
says Joseph Decuir; if he recognizes it as his own
and if the contents are true? he said: That he remembers
having given a declaration before me the
present Scribe on the day and in the place
named in the question, and that the one that was just
read to him is precisely the same
and the contents are all true and he
does not need to add or remove anything and that the
signature that appears there is the
declarant’s, from his hand and in his handwriting
and he responds--
Asked if the declarant attended and was
present at any or various of the
year on the Post of Punta Cortada, if
it is the same one that is shown in this
hearing, appearing on page two hundred sixty
nine of this hearing with a signature that
says Joseph Decuir; if he recognizes it as his own
and if the contents are true? he said: That he remembers
having given a declaration before me the
present Scribe on the day and in the place
named in the question, and that the one that was just
read to him is precisely the same
and the contents are all true and he
does not need to add or remove anything and that the
signature that appears there is the
declarant’s, from his hand and in his handwriting
and he responds--
Asked if the declarant attended and was
present at any or various of the
Previous document:
Declaration of Alexandre Le Blanc (January 19, 1793)
Next document:
Letter from Duparc to Carondelet (March 8, 1793)