comunicado tal noticia al Comandante y res
Preguntado si el declarante le refirio
al Comandante que un Negro que havia co
gido la Patrulla tocando a la puerta de la
Cabaña de otro havia hecho resistencia
con el cuchillo que tenia en la mano poni
endose en defensa contra la citada
Patrulla? dixo: que bien pudo haver
dado parte al Comandante de que la
Patrulla havia cogido aun Negro que
estaba tocando a la puerta de la cabaña
de otro, pero que no pudo decirle que el di
cho Negro se havia resistido y
puesto en defensa con un cuchillo por que ni el
declarante lo vio, ni tampoco la Pa
trulla le hizo relacion de tal circuns
tancia y responde. Y que lo que ha
Preguntado si el declarante le refirio
al Comandante que un Negro que havia co
gido la Patrulla tocando a la puerta de la
Cabaña de otro havia hecho resistencia
con el cuchillo que tenia en la mano poni
endose en defensa contra la citada
Patrulla? dixo: que bien pudo haver
dado parte al Comandante de que la
Patrulla havia cogido aun Negro que
estaba tocando a la puerta de la cabaña
de otro, pero que no pudo decirle que el di
cho Negro se havia resistido y
puesto en defensa con un cuchillo por que ni el
declarante lo vio, ni tampoco la Pa
trulla le hizo relacion de tal circuns
tancia y responde. Y que lo que ha
told the Commander of such news and he
Asked if the declarant told
the Commander that a Black that the
Patrol had captured knocking on the door of
another’s Hut had resisted
with the knife that he had in hand defending
himself against the said
Patrol? he said: that he could well have
let the Commander know that the
Patrol had captured a Black that
was knocking on the door of another’s
hut, but that he could not have told him that
said Black had resisted and
defended himself with a knife because neither did the
declarant see it, nor did the Patrol
tell him about such events
and he responds. And that what he has
Asked if the declarant told
the Commander that a Black that the
Patrol had captured knocking on the door of
another’s Hut had resisted
with the knife that he had in hand defending
himself against the said
Patrol? he said: that he could well have
let the Commander know that the
Patrol had captured a Black that
was knocking on the door of another’s
hut, but that he could not have told him that
said Black had resisted and
defended himself with a knife because neither did the
declarant see it, nor did the Patrol
tell him about such events
and he responds. And that what he has
Previous document:
Declaration of Alexandre Le Blanc (January 19, 1793)
Next document:
Letter from Duparc to Carondelet (March 8, 1793)