de los Negros, y mas quando
el declarante ya habia inquieta
do a los vecinos con las mismas
noticias? dixo: que es cierto que
estando D.n Valentin LeBlanc en Casa
de D.n Franciso Allain le preguntó
al declarante que cosa habia de
nuevo, y le respondio que nada
mas, sino que los Milicianos de
una Patrulla le habian dicho
que habian encontrado a un Negro
tocando a la Puerta de otro, tenien
do un cuchillo en la mano, y que
se le habian hallado unos Cartu
chos de Caña; pero que no le di
xo nada de balas ni de Postas,
ni que hubiese hecho resistencia
y que aunque refirio este mismo
el declarante ya habia inquieta
do a los vecinos con las mismas
noticias? dixo: que es cierto que
estando D.n Valentin LeBlanc en Casa
de D.n Franciso Allain le preguntó
al declarante que cosa habia de
nuevo, y le respondio que nada
mas, sino que los Milicianos de
una Patrulla le habian dicho
que habian encontrado a un Negro
tocando a la Puerta de otro, tenien
do un cuchillo en la mano, y que
se le habian hallado unos Cartu
chos de Caña; pero que no le di
xo nada de balas ni de Postas,
ni que hubiese hecho resistencia
y que aunque refirio este mismo
of the Blacks, and also when
the declarant had already worried
the neighbors with the same
news? he said: that it is true that
Don Valentin LeBlanc, being in the House
of Don Francisco Allain asked
the declarant what news there
was, and he told him nothing
more, except that the Militiamen of
a Patrol had told him
that they had found a Black
knocking on the Door of another, having
a knife in his hand, and that
they had found some Cartridges made
of Reeds; but that he did not say
anything about bullets or Slugs,
nor that he had resisted
and although the declarant had told
the declarant had already worried
the neighbors with the same
news? he said: that it is true that
Don Valentin LeBlanc, being in the House
of Don Francisco Allain asked
the declarant what news there
was, and he told him nothing
more, except that the Militiamen of
a Patrol had told him
that they had found a Black
knocking on the Door of another, having
a knife in his hand, and that
they had found some Cartridges made
of Reeds; but that he did not say
anything about bullets or Slugs,
nor that he had resisted
and although the declarant had told
Previous document:
Juan Joseph Duforest Notified of Impending Hearing (January 17, 1792)
Next document:
Declaration of Francois Allain (January 19, 1793)