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de Julio de mil setecientos noventa
y uno le comunico el declarante
que habia oido decir que una Patrulla
de Milicias de la Falsa Rivera
habia cogido un Negro de la Nacion Mina
tocando a la Puerta de otro de la
misma Nacion, y que al tiempo de
aprehenderlo se puso en defensa
contra dicha Patrulla, con un
cuchillo que tenia en la mano,
y que despues de ser cogido, se le
hallaron una Cartuchos hechos con
Cañas llenos de pólvora y Balas, y
Postas que llebaba en un saco
de pellejo; por cuyo motivo tubo el
dicho D.n Valentin LeBlanc por
cierta la noticia de la sublevación
of July seventeen ninety
one the declarant told him
that he had heard it said that a Patrol
of the Militia of Falsa Rivera
had caught a Black of the Mina Nation
knocking on the Door of another of the
same Nation, and that at the time
they apprehended him he defended himself
against the said Patrol, with a
knife which he had in his hand,
and that after being caught, they
found some Cartridges made of
Reeds filled with powder and Bullets, and
Slugs that he was carrying in a bag
made of skins; and in this way the said
Don Valentin LeBlanc had for certain
news of the uprising
