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prision de algunos Negros, oyo decir por
voz comun que estos habian querido
levantarse contra los blancos, pero que
a ningunos de dichos negros les oyo
el declarante nada sobre el particu
lar, ni tubo mas conocimiento el expo
nente que el haber ido de Patrulla
y puestose de Guardia en el nuevo
camino a las ordenes de Juan Bautis
ta Barra en virtud de la que le
habia comunicado al que declara
el Comand.te que era entonces de
aquel Puesto D.n Valentin LeBlanc
y que habiendo llegado una partida
de milicianos q.e habian salido al proprio
fin, les oyo decir que habian cogido
a un Negro que estaba tocando a
la puerta de otro de Gabriel Rufat,
y encontradole un pequeño cuchillo
capture of some Blacks, he heard it
rumored that they had wanted
to revolt against the whites, but that
the declarant had not heard any of the
said blacks say anything about the
matter, nor did the declarant know anything
more than that he had been on Patrol
and posted as a Guard on the new
road on the orders of Juan Bautista
Barra by virtue of which
Don Valentin Leblanc who was
at that time Commander of
that Post had told the declarant
and that with a party of militiamen
having arrived that they had left for the same
purpose, he heard them say that they had caught
a Black who was knocking at
the door of another of Gabriel Rufat´s
and finding a small knife on him
