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Proceso; si es suya la firma
que en ella aparece, y dice Eus
tache Bedel, y cierto su conteni
do? dixo: que se acuerda haber dado
una declaracion ante mi el pre-
sente Escribano el dia que se le
cita en el Puesto de Punta Cor
tada; que es la misma que se le
ha leido en este Acto, que la firma
que en ella aparece es propria del
declarante; y que es cierto todo el
contenido de su exposicion, y respon
Preguntado por la cita que le
hace D.n Valentin LeBlanc en
su informe citado de treinta de Mar
zo del año proximo pasado de que como
a las seis de la mañana al dia diez
Proceedings; if the signature that
appears there is his, that says Eustache
Bedel, and are its contents true?
he said: that he remembers having given
a declaration before me the present
Scribe on the said
day in the Post of Punta Cortada;
that it is the same that has been
read to him in this Hearing, that the signature
that appears there is the
declarant’s; and that all the contents
of the statement are true, and he
Asked about the reference that
Don Valentin LeBlanc makes to him in
his report on the thirtieth of March
of last year that at about
six in the morning on the tenth
