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aunque veia entrar y salir algunos ha
bitantes en la Casa del Comandante y so
lo haze memoria que quando se le tomo
su declaracion a uno de los dos Negros
Juan Luis o Jaco estaba ally D.n Agustin
Allain, pero que no se acuerda fixamen
te a qual de ellas fue y responde----
Y que lo que ha dicho, y declarado es la
verdad en cargo del juramento que ha
prestado en que se afirmó y ratificó
leida que le fue esta su declaracion es
presando estar conforme ha expuesto
Y que suplica al Tribunal, que atendiendo
a que no ha procedido de malicia, y si
con ignorancia le mire con comisera
cion, dispensandole la falta en que
ha incurrido; y que es de la edad que
ha expuesto en sus anteriores declara
although he saw in the Commander’s
House some residents enter and leave and he only
remembers that when they took the
declaration from one of the two Blacks
Juan Luis or Jaco Don Agustin Allain
was there, but that he does not remember precisely
which of the declarations it was and he responds--
And that what he has said, and declared is the
truth under the oath he has
given which he confirmed and verified as
read to him this his declaration saying
it is in agreement with what he said
And that he begs the Court, that given
that he did not behave with malice, but
with ignorance that they consider him with
sympathy, excusing him the error that
he has fallen into; and that he is of the age he
said in his previous declarations
