es el mismo Josef y uno de aquellos a cuyas de
claraciones ha asegurado haverse hallado
presente? dixo: Que suplicaba se suspendie
ra la diligencia, pues haviendo hecho las
debidas reflexiones; y estimulado de su pro
pria conciencia se cree obligado a decir
que en realidad no asistio a las declaracio
nes de todos los Negros por que aunque quando
se tomargon algunas de ellas estaba en la mis
ma Casa del Comandante el declarante
andaba por un lado, y por otro, y solia
entrar, y salir sin poner cuidado a lo que
se hablaba y hacia: Y que lo que acontecio
fue que hallandose presente el declarante
en ocasion que le parecia alternaban entre
si los Negros Jaco y Juan Luis delante
de D.n Fernando Rodriguez, sin estar
ally el Comandante por haver salido en
claraciones ha asegurado haverse hallado
presente? dixo: Que suplicaba se suspendie
ra la diligencia, pues haviendo hecho las
debidas reflexiones; y estimulado de su pro
pria conciencia se cree obligado a decir
que en realidad no asistio a las declaracio
nes de todos los Negros por que aunque quando
se tomargon algunas de ellas estaba en la mis
ma Casa del Comandante el declarante
andaba por un lado, y por otro, y solia
entrar, y salir sin poner cuidado a lo que
se hablaba y hacia: Y que lo que acontecio
fue que hallandose presente el declarante
en ocasion que le parecia alternaban entre
si los Negros Jaco y Juan Luis delante
de D.n Fernando Rodriguez, sin estar
ally el Comandante por haver salido en
is the same Josef and one of those whose
declarations at which he confirms having been
present? he said: That he asked that the hearing
be suspended, since upon the
necessary reflection, and motivated by his own
conscience he believed himself obliged to say
that in reality he did not attend the declarations
of all the Blacks because although
some of them were taken he was in the same
House as the Commander the declarant
was going from one side, to the other, and he would
enter, and leave without paying attention to what was
being said and done: And that what happened
was that since the declarant was present
on the occasion that it seemed they were switching
between the Blacks Jaco and Juan Luis before
Don Fernando Rodriques, when the
Commander was not there because he had at that time
declarations at which he confirms having been
present? he said: That he asked that the hearing
be suspended, since upon the
necessary reflection, and motivated by his own
conscience he believed himself obliged to say
that in reality he did not attend the declarations
of all the Blacks because although
some of them were taken he was in the same
House as the Commander the declarant
was going from one side, to the other, and he would
enter, and leave without paying attention to what was
being said and done: And that what happened
was that since the declarant was present
on the occasion that it seemed they were switching
between the Blacks Jaco and Juan Luis before
Don Fernando Rodriques, when the
Commander was not there because he had at that time