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tada D.n Valentin Leblanc, y explicandose
las en Frances para verificar si el dicho
Negro Josef las entiende y contesta para
lo qual primeramente recivio su Mrd jura
mentos por antemi el Escribano al citado
Diego Ortiz, quien lo hizo por Dios Nuestro
Señor y la Santa Cruz de decir verdad en lo
que fuere preguntado y despues al dicho Negro
Jose quien lo hizo por Dios en cuya existen
cia cree por medio de los quatro Ynter
pretes nombrados en esta Causa a saber D.n
Juan Josef Duforest D.n Daniel Mortimer,
para traducir del idioma frances al Espa
ñol y los Negro Antonio Cofi y Juan
Bautista Cupidon para hacerlo de la
nacion Mina, al frances; y siendo inter
rogado ante todas cosas el referido Diego
Ortiz si el Negro que tiene presente
of Punta Cortada, and asking them
in French to verify if the said
Black Josef understands them and answers for
which firstly his Honor received the oath
before me the Scribe from the said
Diego Ortiz, who gave it by God Our
Lord and the Holy Cross to tell the truth as
he was asked and then to the said Black
Jose who gave it by God in whose existence
he believes through the four Interpreters
named to this Case namely Don
Juan Josef Duforest Don Daniel Mortimer,
to translate from the French language to Spanish
and the Blacks Antonio Cofi and Juan
Bautista Cupidon to translate from the Mina
nation’s language, to French, and the said Diego Ortiz
being asked before anything else
if the Black that is here present
