despues por su Mrd el Señor Theniente
Gobernador en esta Ciudad el dia quatro
de este corriente mes? dixo: que como tie
ne expuesto en la declaracion que dio an
te su mrd en esta Ciudad no supo lo
que dixo en la que se le tomo por mi el
Escribano por tener la Cabeza sufocada
por el insulto de sangre que suele pa
decer, y que quando se le recivio por
su mrd la otra declaracion, todavia
permanecia atolondrado del mismo acci
dente como que al siguiente dia tuvo
que irse a curar al hospital por ha
verle sobrevenido calentura, cuya
verdad puede facilmente comprobar
se y responde----
Preguntado si se hallo presente
a la declarcion del Negro Cofi Escla
Gobernador en esta Ciudad el dia quatro
de este corriente mes? dixo: que como tie
ne expuesto en la declaracion que dio an
te su mrd en esta Ciudad no supo lo
que dixo en la que se le tomo por mi el
Escribano por tener la Cabeza sufocada
por el insulto de sangre que suele pa
decer, y que quando se le recivio por
su mrd la otra declaracion, todavia
permanecia atolondrado del mismo acci
dente como que al siguiente dia tuvo
que irse a curar al hospital por ha
verle sobrevenido calentura, cuya
verdad puede facilmente comprobar
se y responde----
Preguntado si se hallo presente
a la declarcion del Negro Cofi Escla
later by his Honor Señor Lieutenant
Governor in this City on the fourth
of this month? he said: that as he has
said in the declaration the he gave
before his honor in this City he did not know
what he said in the declaration taken by me the
Scribe because his Head was fuzzy
because of the illness of the blood which he often
suffers; and that when the other declaration
was received by his honor, he still
remained flighty from the same incident
since the next day he had
to go to the hospital for treatment for having
been overheated, the truth
of which can be proven easily
and he responds--
Asked if he was present for the
declaration of the Black Cofi Slave
Governor in this City on the fourth
of this month? he said: that as he has
said in the declaration the he gave
before his honor in this City he did not know
what he said in the declaration taken by me the
Scribe because his Head was fuzzy
because of the illness of the blood which he often
suffers; and that when the other declaration
was received by his honor, he still
remained flighty from the same incident
since the next day he had
to go to the hospital for treatment for having
been overheated, the truth
of which can be proven easily
and he responds--
Asked if he was present for the
declaration of the Black Cofi Slave