no concurrio como testigo de asistencia a las
declaraciones de los referidos Negros, ni les
entendia bien lo que hablaban como tiene
dicho, por que motivo autorizo el proceso con
su firma contribuyendo a una falsedad di
xo: que puso su firma por respeto al Co
mandante que era Su Superior y se lo
mandaba; pero sin comprehender que
incurriese en falsedad ni hazer se cargo
que fuera asunto que pudiera traher ma
las consequencias; porque el que declara
es un hombre ignorante en materias
judiciales, y no entiende de procesos y res-
Preguntado: Por que no expreso esto
mismo en la declaracion que dio en el
Puesto de Punta Cortada antemi el pre
sente Escribano y en la que se le tomó
declaraciones de los referidos Negros, ni les
entendia bien lo que hablaban como tiene
dicho, por que motivo autorizo el proceso con
su firma contribuyendo a una falsedad di
xo: que puso su firma por respeto al Co
mandante que era Su Superior y se lo
mandaba; pero sin comprehender que
incurriese en falsedad ni hazer se cargo
que fuera asunto que pudiera traher ma
las consequencias; porque el que declara
es un hombre ignorante en materias
judiciales, y no entiende de procesos y res-
Preguntado: Por que no expreso esto
mismo en la declaracion que dio en el
Puesto de Punta Cortada antemi el pre
sente Escribano y en la que se le tomó
he did not appear as attesting witness at
the declarations of the said Blacks, nor did he
understand well what they said as he has
said, why did he authorize the proceedings
with his signature contributing to a falsehood he
said: that he put his signature down out of respect for the
Commander who was His Superior and who ordered
him to; but without understanding that
this would lead to falsehood nor taking into account
that this was a matter that could have bad
consequences; because the declarant
is a man ignorant of judicial
matters, and he does not understand trials and
he responds--
Asked: Why he did not say
the same in the declaration that he gave on the
Post of Punta Cortada before me the
present Scribe and in that which was taken from him
the declarations of the said Blacks, nor did he
understand well what they said as he has
said, why did he authorize the proceedings
with his signature contributing to a falsehood he
said: that he put his signature down out of respect for the
Commander who was His Superior and who ordered
him to; but without understanding that
this would lead to falsehood nor taking into account
that this was a matter that could have bad
consequences; because the declarant
is a man ignorant of judicial
matters, and he does not understand trials and
he responds--
Asked: Why he did not say
the same in the declaration that he gave on the
Post of Punta Cortada before me the
present Scribe and in that which was taken from him