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vo de Jacinto Chistes, y a las del Negro Jaco
de Santiago Fabre, y Juan Luis de la viuda
Rouvillard, y a las questiones o preguntas que
antes or despues se les hicieron a dichos Negros,
y que sujetos se hallaron presentes? dixo:
que no concurrio a la declaracion del Ne
gro Cofi porque haviendolo conducido el que
declara a la Casa del Comandante, se re
tiro luego a la cosina a fumar, y que a las
declaraciones de los otros dos Negros Jaco,
y Juan Luis ni a las questiones o preguntas
que a estos se les hicieron tampoco asistio
el declarante por que se salio despues que
los conduxo, y que solo presencio el altercado
que ha referido de los dichos Negros Juan
Luis, y Jaco, aunque no sabe si lo era en rea
lidad porque no los entendia: Y que no sabe
las personas que se hallarian presentes
of Jacinto Chistes, and at those of Santiago Fabre’s
Black Jaco, and the widow Rouvillard’s
Juan Luis, and at the questions that
were asked of the said Blacks before or after,
and who was present? he said:
that he did not attend the declaration of the Black
Cofi because after the declarant led him to
the House of the Commander, he then went
to the kitchen to smoke, and as for the
declarations of the other two Blacks Jaco,
and Juan Luis, nor did the declarant attend
when they interrogated or questioned
the Blacks before or after because he left after
he brought them, and that he was only present for the altercation
that he mentioned of the said Blacks Juan
Luis, and Jaco, although he does not know if it really was
one because he did not understand them: And that he does not know
which people were present
