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mi el presente Escribano de quienes les ha hecho
mencion, y que es la misma de foxas doscientas
treinta y cinco vuelta, que se le acaba de leer, y
cierto su contenido, que que reconoce por suya la
firma que en ella aparece y responde----
Y que lo que ha dicho y declarado es la verdad en
cargo del juramento que ha prestado en que se
afirmo y ratifico leida que le fue esta su declara
cion por medio de los memorados Ynterpretes
expresando estar conforme ha expuesto, que es
de edad de treinte y siete años y la firmó con
su Mro é Ynterpretes de que doy fee = en-
mendado = e = vale -----
Vidal Croiset Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Ante mi
Pedro Pedesclaux
Es.no pub.co
me the present Scribe of which he has made
mention, and that it is the same as that on the back of page two hundred
thirty five, which has just been read to him, and its contents
are true, and that he recognizes as his the
signature that appears there and he responds--
And that what he has said and declared is true under
the oath that he gave which he
confirmed and verified this his declaration as read to him
by way of the said Interpreters
saying it was in agreement with what he had said, that he is
thirty seven years old and he signed it with
your Honor and Interpreters which I attest=
the correction = e = is valid
Vidal Croiset Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
