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se hallo presente a las mas de las declaraciones
que dieron ante el mismo Comandante Le
blanc los Negros procesados? dixo: Que no es
cierta la cita que se le haze en la conformi
dad que en ella se expresa, sino que como el
declarante estaba haciendo las funciones de
Ayudante de milicias solia entrar a tomar
las ordenas del Comandante para mudar las
guardias, y otras cosas focantes al servicio a
tiempo que el dicho Comandante, segun le
parece estaba tomando declaraciones a al
gunos de los Negros: pero que como el decla
rante no era nombrado testigo para asis
tir a ellas no oyo lo que se decia, ni entendio
lo que se trataba y responde----
Preguntado por la tercera cita que
le haze el mismo D.n Valentin Leblanc
en su recordado informe de que el decla
rante le revelo tambien que el mulato
was present at most of the declarations
that the accused Blacks gave before
the same Commander Leblanc? he said: That
the reference made to him is not true as it
is expressed, but that as the
declarant was fulfilling the functions
of Adjutant of the militias he would enter to take
the orders of the Commander to move the
guards, and other things relating to the service at
the time that the said Commander, as it seems to
him was taking declarations from some
of the said Blacks: But that as the declarant
was not named attesting witness
for them he did not hear what they said, nor did he understand
what it was about and he responds--
Asked about the third reference that
the same Don Valentin Leblanc makes to him
in his said report that the declarant
told him also that the mulatto
