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Monsieur Colin Lacour le havia dicho que
quando conducia al Negro Reo de este ulti
mo llamado Hata le confeso este quanto
debian hazer los Minas contra los blancos?
dixo: que es cierto que el declarante le dixo al
Comandante D.n Valentin Leblanc que el mu-
lato de Colin Lacour nombrado Chayo, o Car
los le havia comunicado que quando condu
cia al Negro Hata le confeso este que los
otros Negros Minas le havian hecho la
proposicion de levantarse contra los blan
cos pero que el no havia querido consentir
y responde----
Preguntado si se acuerda haber he
cho una declaracion ante mi el Escrivano
en el Puesto de Punta Cortada; si es la
misma que se le pone presente en este
acto, y suya la firma que en ella aparece;
y si es cierto su contenido? dixo: que se acuerda
muy bien haver dado una declaracion ante
Monsieur Colin Lacour had told him that
when he was leading the Black of the latter taken Prisoner
named Hata he confessed to him how much
the Minas would do against the whites?
he said: that it is true that the declarant said to the
Commander Don Valentin Leblanc that Colin
Lacour’s mulatto named Chayo, or Carlos
had told him that when he was leading
the Black Hata he confessed this to him that the
other Minas Blacks had made him the
proposal of rising up against the whites
but that he had not wanted to agree
and he responds--
Asked if he remembers having made
a declaration before me the Scribe
on the Post of Punta Cortada; if it is
the same which is now presented to him,
and if the signature that appears there is his;
and if its contents are true? he said: that he remembers
very well having given a declaration before
