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çois esclavo de Jorge Bergeron havia declara
do el intento de sublevarse: Pues apenas res
pondio Dominique, que no havia nada de bueno,
se separo de ellos el declarante por haver re-
conocido que venia algunos amigos suyos
en el destacamento de D.n Josef Decuir, y se
dirigio a hablarles: Y que se huviera oido esto
el delcarante u otra cosa semejante, que
pudiera servir de comprobacion del intento
que se decia de los Negros me lo huviera
comunicado a mi el presente Escrivano quan
do le tome su declaracion en el Puesto de
Punta Cortada, por haverle hecho varias
preguntas, y repreguntas con el fin de ave
riguar la verdad del succeso; pero que
nada dixo, porque nadia sabia, y responde
Preguntado, sobre la segunda cita
que le haze al declarante D.n Valentin
Leblanc en su referido informe de que
slave of Jorge Bergeron had declared
the intent of rising up: Since Dominique
had hardly responded, that there was nothing good,
when the declarant left them because he realized
that some of his friends were coming
in Don Josef Decuir’s detachment, and he headed over
to talk to them: And that if the declarant had heard
this or something similar, that
could serve as proof of the alleged
intent of the Blacks he would have
communicated it to me the present Scribe when
I took his declaration on the Post of
Punta Cortada, since I asked him several
questions, and questioned him again with the goal
of confirming the truth of the events; but that
he did not say anything, because he knew nothing, and he responds
Asked, about the second reference
which Don Valentin Leblanc makes to the declarant
in his said report that he
