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dho Senor Theniente Gobernador D.n Simon Cro-
set de quien por medio de los mismos Ynterpre
tes y por ante mi el Escribano recivio juramento
que lo hizo por Dios Nuestro Señor, y una señal
de cruz conforme a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir
verdad en lo que supiere y fuere preguntado, y
siendolo si a algunos de los Negro Minas de Puesto
de Punta Cortada y Falsa Rivera, que se hal
lan presos en esta Ciudad, les ha oido hablar de la
sublevacion que se les atribuye haver intentado
contra los blancos, exprese a quienes, quando, y lo
que huviere acontecido en el particular? dixo:
Que no les ha oido decir cosa alguna a los referidos
Negros del contenido de la Pregunta, y que sola
mente dio orden de parte del Comandante a
algunos vecinos, para que remitiesen sus
Negros sin introducirse el declarante a inter
rograles a estos cosa alguna y responde----
Preguntado sobre la primera cita, que le
the said Señor Lieutenant Governor appeared
Don Simon Croiset from whom by way of the same Interpreters
and before me the Scribe he received the oath
that he gave by God Our Lord, and a symbol
of the cross according to law under which he promised to tell
the truth as he knew it and was asked, and
being asked if he had heard some of the Minas Blacks of the Post
of Punta Cortada and Falsa Rivera, who are
prisoners in this City, speak of the
uprising which they are accused of having attempted
against the whites, let him say who, when, and what
happened in particular? he said:
That he had not heard the said Blacks say anything
about the contents of the Question, and that he only
gave the order from the Commander to
some neighbors, that they should send in their
Blacks without the declarant having gotten involved
in asking them anything and he responds--
Asked about the first reference, which
