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haze el Comandante que fue de Punta Cortada
D.n Valentin Leblanc en su informe de treinta
de Marzo del corriente año expresando que
con le noticia que se le havia dado de la pro-
yectada sublevacion de los Negros salio en
consorcio de D.n Agustin Allain, y del decla-
rante y iendo del Camnio nuevo que comuni
ca del Puesto de la Punta Cortada a la Falsa
Rivera encontraron a un miliciano nom
brado Dominique Seisant frente a la habita
cion de la Viuda Rouvillard dando vozes a
otros milicianos, y diciendoles vengan Vmds
pronto con sus armas, a cuyos gritos se acer
caron a el, y preguntandole la novedad que
havia, les respondio, nada de bueno; a lo que
le replico el Comandante, se explicase mas;
y entonces lo hizo diciendo, que el intento de los
Negros Minas no dejaba duda alguna y le
hizo al Comandante la misma relacion que
Bedel, añadiendo solamente el nombre de
Don Valentin Leblanc who was Commander of
Punta Cortada makes to him in his report of the thirtieth
of March of this year saying that
with the news that he had given of the planned
uprising of the Blacks he left accompanied
by Don Agustin Allain, and by the declarant
and going on the new Road which connects
the Post of Punta Cortada to Falsa
Rivera they found a militiaman named
Dominique Seisant in front of the residence
of the Widow Rouvillard yelling to
other militiamen, and saying to them Come
quickly with your weapons, drawing nearer to him
by his yells, and asking him of the information he
had, he responded, nothing good; to which
the Commander replied that he should explain himself more;
and then he did so saying, that the attempt of the
Minas Blacks did not leave any doubt and he
told the Commander the same story as Bedel,
only adding the name of
