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que lleva referido Dijo
que muchos Mina que
no se acuerda y solo de
Zesar y Jaco que lo in
ducian p.a el levantamiento
y que son la causa de
la pricion del Declarante
y de todos los mina
Y responde y aunq.e
se le hicieron otras pre
guntas y repreguntas
al caso tocantes Dijo
que lo que lleva declarado
that he mentioned He said
that many Mina that he
doesn’t remember and he only remembers
Zesar and Jaco who were
inciting him to rebel
and that they are the reason for
the arrest of the Declarant
and all the mina
And he responds and although
he was asked other
questions and repeated questions
related to the case He said
that what he had declared
