sume Dijo que lo prendio
una Patrulla de milicias
una noche que el Declaran
te estava a la puerta de
la Cavaña de un negro
Mina esclavo de de Ga
briel Roufat que cree
es de mi ord.n su pricion
y la Causa por el levanta
miento que devian hacer
los Mina contra los blan
cos, y responde
Preguntado como tubo no
una Patrulla de milicias
una noche que el Declaran
te estava a la puerta de
la Cavaña de un negro
Mina esclavo de de Ga
briel Roufat que cree
es de mi ord.n su pricion
y la Causa por el levanta
miento que devian hacer
los Mina contra los blan
cos, y responde
Preguntado como tubo no
He said that a militia Patrol
detained him
one night when the Declarant
was at the door of
the Hut of a black
Mina slave belonging to Gabriel
Roufat that he believes
his arrest is on my orders
and the Reason because of the
uprising that the Mina were
going to carry out against the
whites, and he responds
Asked how he received
detained him
one night when the Declarant
was at the door of
the Hut of a black
Mina slave belonging to Gabriel
Roufat that he believes
his arrest is on my orders
and the Reason because of the
uprising that the Mina were
going to carry out against the
whites, and he responds
Asked how he received
Previous document:
Declaration of Leveille [Mayeux] (July 11, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Ata (July 12, 1791)