Preguntado como se llama
de donde es natural que
edad estado y exercicio tie
ne y quien es su amo
Dijo llamarse Cofi de
edad de Nacion
Mina, soltero, Labrador
y esclavo del nombrado
jacinto y responde
Preguntado quien lo pren
dio de orden de quien
pr q.e causa y se la pre
Preguntado como se llama
de donde es natural que
edad estado y exercicio tie
ne y quien es su amo
Dijo llamarse Cofi de
edad de Nacion
Mina, soltero, Labrador
y esclavo del nombrado
jacinto y responde
Preguntado quien lo pren
dio de orden de quien
pr q.e causa y se la pre
Asked what his name is
where he is from what is his
age condition and profession
and who is his owner
He said his name was Cofi
__ years old of the Mina
Nation, single, Farmer
and slave of the said
jacinto and he responds
Asked who detained
him on whose order
for what reason and if he can guess
Asked what his name is
where he is from what is his
age condition and profession
and who is his owner
He said his name was Cofi
__ years old of the Mina
Nation, single, Farmer
and slave of the said
jacinto and he responds
Asked who detained
him on whose order
for what reason and if he can guess
Previous document:
Declaration of Leveille [Mayeux] (July 11, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Ata (July 12, 1791)