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blancos y con las armas
que le tomaran a los
primeros azasinados con
tinuan lagra.n y destruc.n
de ellos y responde
Preguntado si
havia otras personas
ademas de las Declarad.s
que tubieron
del atentado Dijo que
todos los Mina de la
Rivera Falza y los de
Punta Cortada estavan
de acuerdo ^ para matar los blancos^ sin embargo que
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whites and with the weapons
that they would take from the
first murders they would
continue [?] and their
destruction and he responds
Asked if there were other people
as well as those Named
who had knowledge
of the attack He said that
all the Mina of
Rivera Falza and those of
Punta Cortada were
in agreement ^to kill the whites^ but that
