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Preguntado si no save
quando devian executado
Dijo que no lo supo pero
que el Declarante fue
inducido para el ^ dho lebantam.to y asesinam.to^ por el
negro Jaco esclavo de
Santiago Fabre, y que la
primera ocacion que dho
negro ablo al Declarante
le respondio que no tenia
fucil ni armas para matar
los franceses a lo que jaco
le dijo yo tengo fucil
polvora y postas asi tu y los
demas podeis buscar por lo
Asked if he does not know
when they were to carry it out
He said that he did not know but
that the Declarant was
incited to it ^said uprising and murder^ by the
black Jaco slave of
Santiago Fabre, and that the
first time that said
black spoke to the Declarant
he responded that he did not have
a rifle nor weapons to kill
the French to which jaco
told him I have a rifle
powder and slugs therefore you and the
rest can find them to which
