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pudiesen concurrir los Mina
de la Punta Cortada y responde
Preguntado que se trato
en dho baile, Dijo que despues
de haverse divertido oyo
hablar a Jaco esclavo de
nombrado Emable coubillon
que dijo a Zesar que era
necesario matar los blancos
levantandose contra ellos y
Preguntado que negros esta
ban presentes quando jaco
dijo estas palabras a Zesar
Dijo que estavan presen
Minas from Punta Cortada
could attend and he responds
Asked what happened
during the said dance, He said that after
having enjoyed himself he heard
Jaco slave of the
said Emable Coubillon speaking
that he said to Zesar that it was
necessary to kill the whites
rising up against them and
he responds
Asked which blacks were
present when jaco
said these words to Zesar
He said that present were
