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preguntas al caso tocantes
Dijo que no Savia otra
cosa Sobre el particular
que lo que lleva declarada
por ser la verdad encargo
de su juram.to dho que
es de la edad que tiene
declarada no firmo por
que Dijo no Saver lo
hicieron los Testigos de
asistencia y dho Ynterp.te
de que doy fee= Ysac
Fastio=Ricard de Riotord
question relevant to the case
He said he did not Know anything
About the matter
other than what he had declared
that it was the truth under
his oath said that
he is the age he has
declared he did not sign because
He said he does not Know how the
attesting Witnesses did so and
said Interpreter
which I attest= Ysac
Fastio = Ricard de Riotord
