panarles pero que ella
le havia aconsejado de
no juntarse con ellos, que
tambien le dijo que Dique
le havia dicho que no
se havia executado el
levantamiento el Jueves
en la noche por el mal
tiempo, y que seria para
al Savado en la noche
y que tambien Dijo Ve
nus a Francisca que quando
Dique estava en su
le havia aconsejado de
no juntarse con ellos, que
tambien le dijo que Dique
le havia dicho que no
se havia executado el
levantamiento el Jueves
en la noche por el mal
tiempo, y que seria para
al Savado en la noche
y que tambien Dijo Ve
nus a Francisca que quando
Dique estava en su
accompany them but that she
had told him to not
to mix with them, that
she also told him that Dique
had told her that they
had not carried out
the uprising on Thursday
night because of bad
weather, and that it would be
on Saturday night
and that Venus also Said
to Francisca that when
Dique was in her
had told him to not
to mix with them, that
she also told him that Dique
had told her that they
had not carried out
the uprising on Thursday
night because of bad
weather, and that it would be
on Saturday night
and that Venus also Said
to Francisca that when
Dique was in her
Previous document:
Declaration of Francisca (July 9, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Pedro Chamba (July 9, 1791)